Monday 5 January 2015

Setting Up Shop

Happy 2015! So it’s been just over a month since we ‘moved in’ to our new home and we've spent all of 6 nights here. We're back in Georgia after the Christmas vacation and it's time for everyday life to begin again. Unsurprisingly, being first-time home owners in a new state is complicated! ‘Wow, look at all the space!’ soon turns into the realization that the bigger the house is, the more can go wrong. I’m still trying to figure our bad luck in having 0/4 toilets that work properly.

As a perfectionist (I have a feeling either this or motherhood is going to cure me of it) – I can see every scratch and cracked light, let alone the broken and off-gassing new dresser, the already malfunctioning TV system and the things that fall off the wall when you use them.

As a five-month pregnant woman still battling with nausea and exhaustion, I also don’t appreciate being kept up by a security system that starts bleeping at 2am, or a dying smoke alarm the following night that starts bleeping at 3am. Thank goodness I have a super hubby who is good at taking charge.

I really shouldn’t complain …. but the hormones are making me do it. And that pesky perfectionism. Honestly, why am I focusing on the echoing rooms and bare-nailed walls instead of the big kitchen, lovely double deck and backyard overlooking a lake? We are so fortunate. I am so fortunate.

We all go through this, don’t we? Nothing is ever as easy as we think it should be. Often a quick fix becomes a four-attempt experience before it’s sorted out. And all money-conscious people gasp over the frequent revelations of how much being an adult costs. ‘How much? Geeeeze! Hold on while I Google how much we can get for my kidney on the Black Market.’

Even my generous, money-easy hubby is starting to twitch. Remember when we decided to buy a big empty house, live in a place where two cars are needed, and get pregnant? Yeeeah …. we’re pretty smart.

But as I sit here with bump and some lemon tea, the sky is blue and the sun is shining on our leaf-strewn backyard. (I haven’t actually been in the backyard yet, but it looks very nice.) I’m eyeing my pen and notepad beside me. It’s waiting for me plan the week of plumbers, security system men, washer/drier deliveries, furniture fixers and healthcare appointments – and despite my pregnant brain fog, I suddenly feel ready to conquer this.

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